Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Oops! And a t-shirt quilt!!

Yeah, so I missed two posts last week. Oops....

I am not going to beat myself up too bad about it though because I have been a busy girl! We house and dog sat for my sis in law last week for Thanksgiving and between making sure my family had everything they needed to live for 5 days at someone else's house and preparing for Thanksgiving at my Aunt & Uncle's (and not to mention filling A LOT of Goose Goose Couture orders as well) I didn't have much free time.

Us at my Aunt and Uncle's trying to get a decent pic!!

I also started on my sorority t-shirt quilt! I got the entire front done yesterday. I have never made any kind of quilt before so I have to admit I was quite nervous about it. So far it is going pretty well. I did the Too Cool method seen here. It was a lot more work than just doing the same size rectangles like many do but I will have this thing forever and knew if I took the easy way out it would irritate me so I am glad I did it the way I did. Here is a pic!

Jonesie has already claimed the quilt as his own so he wanted to be in the pic.

And I am a total sheet snob so I decided since the underside will be touching my skin I wanted to find a pretty patterned sheet to use rather than just getting that scratchy solid quilting fabric. So I originally really wanted leopard print and scoured Ross and Marshall's for a single flat sheet I could use. Well apparently people don't sell individual sheets much any more. I always remember when I was a kid going with my mom to the Wamsutta outlet store in New Braunfels and there being a vast array of individual sheets. I was so bummed! But, as quick as I got bummed I became unbummed and I dare to say even giddy when I dug in the back of a shelf at Ross to uncover a hidden treasure! AMY BUTLER MAKES SHEETS! Who knew??? If you are not familiar with Amy Butler don't look her up because you will soon be obsessed with her gorgeous (and slightly pricey and hard to find) fabric. I am obsessed with her print collections and could go absolutely crazy buying her fabric. So it took everything I had not to do a little white girl dance in the middle of the aisle. I got a full sheet set for $19.99. I am doing a large throw blanket so I will have a ton of sheet left so already have plans to make pillowcase dresses for a few of my fave little girls very soon! Here is the flat sheet!


I am also going to make thick bias tape out of the fabric to finish out the edges. It is going to be gorgeous and I will post more pics as I get it finished!

Anywho, we went to the Chuy's Children Helping Children Blue Santa parade last Saturday and had so much fun! It was rainy and cold but as soon as the parade started the sky cleared and we really enjoyed it! Here are a few pics. (Please excuse my lack of makeup!)



Gig em!!





I am actually going to do another post in a bit of UGG outfit ideas because Mr. Goat hit it out of the park for our anniversary and got me these!

I pretty much have not taken them off so I did a few outfits on Polyvore and will post them later today. Have a great day!!

1 comment:

  1. You are so creative..... I want to be you! :-) ~ JENNY Rawlinson
