So I met my goal of 2 posts in the first week but I couldn't help but feel guilty not posting something else before now. I did a few DIY projects last week but my hubby was out of town all week and trying to document a DIY project step by step with pictures and keep up with a 2 year old is not my idea of a good time. I have a few great DIYs I am going to do this week for Thanksgiving decor around the house though so don't fret, I will feature a DIY very soon!!
It has been a hectic few days so let me fill you in really quick on that! Mr. Goat was in San Antonio working all week last week. We don't spend many nights apart so it was a trial having him gone for a whole week. He had a doctor's appointment and a few other things going on yesterday (Halloween) so rather than him come back to Austin for the weekend then drive back to San Antonio and then back to Austin and possibly miss Halloween, we chose to come to San Antonio for the weekend and then all just drive back to Austin after he was done on Monday. Although this made logical sense, it was a crazy and hectic few days. First of all, trying to pack for yourself, a toddler and 2 dogs by yourself is never a fun task. We don't believe in traveling light, we believe in bring too much and if you don't need it at least you were prepared. We are at that stage in Texas right now where it might be 40 degrees or it might be 90, and maybe all in the same day. This presents quite the packing challenge for myself and Baby Goat. So, I planned to leave the house at 2PM but then got an unexpected drop in from my mom in the morning which meant coffee, the park, and a little sewing before she had to leave at 2. Long story short, I didn't even START packing until 2. This put us on the road at 3:15 which put me smack dab in the middle of the statewide dreaded Austin traffic. It was terrible. And then I hit San Antonio traffic too. UGGHHHHH.....basically what should have taken me a little over an hour took me closer to 3. That's ok, we got there and got to see Daddy and decided to stay in on Friday night and take it easy.
Saturday morning we got up, made breakfast and then headed out by 10:45 to make it to our friends, The Cottens to watch the Ags play Mizzou (we lost, not just lost but handed it over, I don't want to talk about, thanks Mike Sherman, our last year in the big 12 and we are going out quietly, whatever) and to see their 5 week old new little girl! Braeden got to play with their 4 year old daughter, and we played some cards, watched some football, ate some yummy food, drank a few beers, and got a little taste of why I am not ready for another kid yet, haha! How quickly you forget the 2 hour feedings, the crazy poopy diapers every 10 minutes, the burping after every 2 oz., the insane number of blow outs, the wobbly head that feels like it is going fall off, pumping for 30 minutes to get 3 oz. of milk.... I love babies and loved when Braeden was a newborn, but I also love the age he is getting to now where he can go in his room alone and play for a little while and tell me what he wants for lunch.
Sunday morning, we got up and got dressed and went to the famous Milberger's Pumpkin Patch where they had a hay maze, train, bouncy house, and giant pumpkin patch. All the people who work there dress to the nines and hand out little treats and they have hot cider and hot chocolate (which tasted great in the 85 degree weather, haha!) My mom came and we met the Cotten clan and their sis and bro in law and their baby (we had a group of 8 adults and 4 babies under 4!) and I got tons of great pics, we put on Braeden's costume, and we all went to lunch after and enjoyed the shade and a nice patio! Braeden got a good nap in and we had dinner with Chris' parents.
Yesterday I waited around while Chris finished his stuff and then we booked it back to Austin as quick as we could to change into costumes and go trick or treating. We of course got stuck in Austin traffic and it took us longer to get through Austin then it took us to get from San Antonio back to Austin! We grabbed food, got home, got changed, and flew to Pfluggerville to trick or treat with my sis in law and bro in law and their kiddos and we got home at 9PM last night.
OH, and Braeden head butted me on Sunday night and gave me a black eye. When was the last time you cried from pain, because I sobbed like a little girl. Braeden stopped crying before I did. I was sure I was going to need stitches. It looks awful but the swelling has gone down and hopefully it will stop changing colors soon.
Alrighty, so that was a long winded explanation of our weekend. (hubby would say "cliff notes Callie, cliff notes!") The main reason I wanted to post was that I bought a new dress! I dicovered this amazing (and cheap!) boutique called Vestique on Pinterest. They are based out of North Carolina. I could spend a small fortune, even as inexpensive as they are but I have no business buying clothes, my closet can't handle much more so I picked out one dress that I loved and will be able to wear multiple ways. One of the things I see on other people's blogs are multiple ideas for the same piece of clothing. So I decided to do a "one dress, three ways" post. Here it is!
MICHAEL Michael Kors michael kors handbag, $348
Lee Angel Jewelry cuff bangle, $98
Sterling silver jewelry, $53
MICHAEL KORS Oversized Gold Chronograph Watch, £219 | a unique shopping experience, $42
Nocona Women's Old West Tan Cowboy Boots - Snip Toe, $190
My whole justification for buying this dress was to wear to my friend, Kelly's baby shower so this is what I plan to wear. It is in Boerne, a sleepy little Texas town where fab cowboy boots are a must. I just need that Michael Kors bag, Christmas list, christmas list!
J Crew chain jewelry, $58
J crew jewelry, $38
MICHAEL Michael Kors Oversized Chronograph Goldtone Watch, 44 mm, $250 | a unique shopping experience, $42
Roady Boot in Khaki - Francesca's Collections, $68
This is totally a fab outfit I can save to wear when someone calls at the last minute and wants to go do something where I wanna look cute but don't wanna think about it.
Ugg australia boots, $200
MICHAEL Michael Kors black leather tote bag, $348
MICHAEL Michael Kors gold watch, $250 | a unique shopping experience, $42
I am hoping for these UGGS, I have cheap generic fuggs from Target but they are a mess and need to be thrown away. I think this would be a great outfit for a casual happy hour or an easy outfit for a road trip where I need to look cute at the end because we are going straight from the road to meet family or friends.
Alrighty, so I won't keep all of you much longer. This post is getting a little wordy. Stay posted for a DIY this week!!!
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