I love Christmas! And I especially love presents! I know, I know. As adults we are supposed to "rise above" that part of Christmas and appreciate the season, what Jesus' life and death meant for all of us and embrace the forgiving and giving nature of the time. And I get all that, and we do all that. BUT, I still love presents! In the average day I would say "I want..." leaves my mouth at least 15 times. It's not always huge, expensive purchases. Sometimes, it is just "I want a pumpkin spice latte from Starbucks." I like to blame the "I wants" on being an only child and not having a lot of money growing up. I also really enjoy online shopping. Having a 2 year old makes it hard to read or do crafts because I can't get super involved in any one thing without being distracted 18 times in 2o minutes. Online shopping can be left alone in the middle and all I have to do is shut my laptop and come back to it later. And if I forget what I was looking at, it probably wasn't anything I really wanted to buy anyway. But I think my online shopping addiction also contributes heavily to the "I want"s.
So all of that being said, I have a jillion things on my
"I WANT..." pinterest list. I have decided to look through all of my pins and pick the top 5 things I especially want and why!
#1 - Michael Kors Hamilton Gold Plate Chain in Teak - $348

This is actually tied with the next thing on my list for the #1 things I want. I LOVE this bag. I am a total purse snob and I haven't gotten a new bag in a few years. I just haven't really seen much that I really had to have. Purses to me are an investment and good ones last. Therefore, I don't usually like crazy colors or designs (aside from leopard, it goes with everything) and I like classic colors and styles I will be able to have and use for years to come. I went and looked at this at Nordstrom and I am so glad I did because in the store they only sell it with silver hardware and it was HEINOUS! SO I ran home and googled to see if they had it with gold hardware and sure enough, they do. I first found it on the Michael Kors website but I like to make big purchases like purses, sunglasses and watches at Nordstrom because they are so great about returns and customer service. So they do sell it with the gold at Nordstrom, it's just an online only item.
#1B - Nikon 50mm f/1.8G Nikkor lens - $216.95

I got a Nikon D3000 last year as a "just because" present from my awesome hubby. Our point and click was seriously lacking, especially after I slammed it down on the cement with the lens open on accident while I was trying to pick baby Goat up one day. Our family photos was suffering because of it and it was hard to want to take pics of my presh baby boy when they all turned out so awful. My camera was a great family investment and it has made it so easy to get great pics. I haven't done much expansion to the starter kit though, because there was so much to learn with just the two lenses I got initially. So now that I have had it for a while, I have learned about bokeh photog (where the subject is in focus but the background is extremely blurry) which is my fave method to use. However, my main lens only goes down to an f stop of 4.5 and to get really good bokeh you need to be able to go down to at least 2.8. Nikon just released this new lens which goes down to f 1.8 and my camera body will auto focus this lens making it a little easier to use. So I REALLY want it! And a tip on camera equipment,
wolfcamera.com offers free shipping AND no tax (which is HUGE when you are buying an $800 camera bundle!)
#3 - J. Crew Vintage Pajama Set in Hydrangea - $78.00
I LOVE these PJs. I love pretty much anything menswear. I have worn my oversized Men's Michael Kors watch pretty much every day since Mr. Goat got it for me. I started wearing boyfriend jeans in junior high and used to get made fun of for wearing such baggy jeans. I have stolen sweatshirts from every guy friend I have ever had! So these are just absolutely so me it is ridiculous! And I love that you can just wear the top in the summer time with some girlie boxers or something. And J. Crew gives you the option to have them monogrammed which I love even more. I wish they had more options but I think I would want them with a plain block initial, CJG in navy! So cute!!
#4 - KitchenAid Glass Bowl Attachment for Stand Mixer - $69.99

I have had my empire red KithchenAid Artisian Tilt Mixer for about 6 years now and absolutely love it. I didn't even really cook much when I got it, I just loved the novelty of it and knew I would have it forever. Now, it is the thing I use the most in my kitchen. I got the ice cream maker attachment, and I have a huge list of other attachments I want for it. I use it for scrambled eggs, shredded chicken, cookies, ice cream, cake, frosting, quiches, you name it! So, when I walked in to Williams-Sonoma 2 years ago and saw the 50th Anniversary Edition mixer in metallic Cherry Red WITH a glass bowl, I almost squealed with delight. First I tried to hatch a plan to get the special edition. Then I quickly though about all of the red appliances I have that match my mixer and decided I might tire of the metallic. So I started scouring ebay for someone who might be selling a glass bowl. Then one day I thought "why don't I call Williams-Sonoma and explain my dilemma and see what they say." And sure enough it turns out that they had a glass bowl attachment release planned for the following spring. So it has been on my want list since then. Now, Bed Bath and Beyond has it and that means a 20% off coupon can be used bringing it down to $56 which isn't bad!
#5 - Hunter Rain Boots in Navy Blue - $125
I just love these. I know it is a bit ridiculous to spend that much money on a pair of rain boots especially when I can go to Academy and get something very similar for $20. But I just love these! And how many pairs of rain boots will I buy in my life? So I think the money would be well spent. I think they are classic and I would get a ton of wear out of them.
So there it is boys and girls. Feel free to check any of these things off my list, haha! Are you making your list yet????