Hey blog world! I know that I am speaking to no one as of yet, as this blog has been deserted for 2 years! Where does time go? I really enjoyed my blogging and was doing well at sticking with it but got kind of lost in what I wanted it to be. Blogging can be so intimidating and I fell into the vicious trap of comparing what I was doing/writing with what others are doing. I have a long list of blogs I follow regularly and really admire and enjoy. All of those blogs are different, different content focus (i.e. Fashion, cooking, baking, hair, makeup, crafting, painting, home decorating, home renovation, raising children, sewing, etc.) and I enjoy the variation in writing style, format, and content of each. So why am I trying to put my blog in a box and make it be one neat and tidy thing. It can be whatever I want it to be. I mean, isn't blogging really kind of like writing in a journal, except others can see it if you so chose anyway?! Missing writing and admiring other blogs has caused me to do a lot of contemplating of what and how to do this....
I find myself saying to anyone I come in contact on a regular basis (including strangers) "I saw the coolest thing on Pinterest...(insert coolest thing of the moment here)" and my house and clothing are basically a 3d life size version of my Pinterest boards. So yesterday, while I was driving down the road and caught myself saying to my hubby "I saw the coolest thing on Pinterest..." it clicked. I would change my blog to be just that. That's not to say I won't write about anything other than Pinterest but that will kind of be my focus....all the things I try, am inspired by and love or maybe even hate! So to the no one who is reading this, here we go again! New posts to come this week!
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