Thursday, December 29, 2011

DIY: Chalkboard Wine Glasses


Hello friends!

Let me first say that if you have a birthday any time soon you should not read this post unless you want a spoiler to what you are probably getting as a present! Now, on with it...

I have a crazy story for you. Every time my mom comes to visit she breaks one of my beautiful and delicate wine glasses we got as wedding gifts. I love them and they are gorgeous but now everyone is afraid to use them when they come over because I always make such a big deal about my mom breaking them all the time. She seriously has broken like 5...out of 16....that's like....30 percent or something.....not good odds. So the other day I was at the Dollar Tree and they had some pretty good looking large balloon wine glasses for, drum roll please......$1 each! (I know, shocker that something was a dollar at the Dollar Tree.) They were quite heavy and sturdy which is a good thing when Hurricane Eliza (i.e. my mom) wants a glass of wine. But I didn't just want to get one for her and I didn't like them enough to use them as my all the time wine glasses.....that is unless they were somehow made fancy.

A few months ago I saw some really cute wine glasses at World Market that had chalkboard bottoms. I think they were like $8 a piece. Well, being the crafty woman that I am I have chalkboard paint in just about every form it comes in. I saw this below on Pinterest and decided that would be perfect.

But upon closer inspection of the blog post it sounded a little sloppy and not very precise, neither of which are traits I associate with myself. Well after a quick minute of brainstorming I decided my spray paint chalk board paint would be the better option for these. Here we go!

What You Will Need:


  • Chalkboard Spray Paint (I got mine at Home Depot but you can get it at Hobby Lobby and Michael's too)
  • Painter's tape (I love Frog Tape, the stuff is amazing!)
  • Wax Paper
  • Wine Glasses (as I said, I got mine at the Dollar Tree..apparently IKEA has a good selection for cheap too)



    Tear pieces of wax paper that are large enough to wrap generously around your wine glasses. I went ahead and tore all 8 pieces at once.


    Tear pieces of your painters tape with plenty to go around the stem.


    Again, I tore 8 pieces out all at once so I wouldn't have to go back. Wrap your wax paper starting at the stem a little lower than where you want the paint line to be.


    Then stick the tape on and work it around the stem evenly where you want your paint line.


    Then twist the wax paper around the glass and stick it inside the glass.



    Make sure the glass is well covered like so.


    Keep doing that until they are all done.


    Then take them outside and get ready to spray paint. I put a few pieces of wax paper down to work on. Make sure you shake the crud out of the spray paint and shake frequently while working too or it doesn't come out smoothly. Work in quick, light, even coats.


    Spray the base top first then flip it over and spray the bottom.



    Then wait 5 to 10 minutes.


    Then spray another light coat on the top and then bottom. Let sit for a few minutes until dry to the touch and move somewhere safe and out of the way. Let sit for 24 hours before using. The back of the chalk board paint says to cure the chalkboard before using it (fancy way of saying rubbing chalk over it and wiping it off) but I didn't and mine are working just fine. Make sure to hand wash them.



    How much fun is that?! Happy New Year's eve eve eve.....

    1 comment:

    1. These are so cool. A friend of mine gave these out with a chalk marker for Christmas presents.
