Hello friends!
I R E A L L Y want to write a DIY Louboutin tutorial for everyone because I have gotten so many compliments on my first pair I did BUT it is raining outside (those Hunter rain boots on my Christmas list sure would come in handy right now eh?) and I don't feel like doing anything at all but sitting on my booty and enjoying nap time with the warmth of my laptop hanging out on my lap. So I decided to write a post about the 10 things every girl should have in her closet (in my opinion). Pretty self explanatory, so let's get to it.
1. A good pair of jeans.

A good pair of jeans is like a best friend...you will have lots of friends in your life time that come and go but there is that one friend you can always come back to and you always know is there when all else fails, THAT is your fave pair of jeans. Your fave jeans are not the mudd jeans you got at Ross on the clearance rack for $8 because they look ok.....they are your Seven For All Mankind jeans that you treated yourself to on a special occasion at Nordstrom and actually had hemed rather than walking off the excess after a few months. Think about it. You wear jeans ALL the time. So if you pay $200 for a pair of jeans, the first time you wear them they cost you $200 for that wear. Then the second time they cost you $100 per time you wear them. Then the fourth time you wear them you are down to $50 a wear (I skipped three because it wasn't easy math, HA!) and so on and so forth until you are down to pennies a day, PENNIES LADIES! This is not rocket science so tell your hubby to suck it up, get over it and enjoy the view of your rockin' booty in your new fancy jeans.
2. A pair of black pointy toe heels
It's hard to go wrong with black pointy toe heels. You can get them in all heights, pointy-ness, and costs so there is no excuse not to have a pair. They go with just about anything and they polish off your look. My faves are Nine West and I usually get them at Marshall's for $30-$40. I get the moderate heel high so they are comfy and easy enough to wear chasing little Goat around but still high enough to make my calves look awesome if I am wearing them with a dress. There is nothing like a killer pointy toe to make you feel like you rule the world when you need a little confidence booster.
3. A pair of diamond studs
They don't have to be real, and they don't have to be solitares. The pair I love match my wedding ring and are from the Swarovski store (a great alternative to the real thing that are still blingy at a small fraction of the price). They are a great thing to have when you don't want to think about what costume jewelry earrings go with your new shirt as you are running out the door. You can wear them to the gym to feel a little fancy or wear them with a cocktail dress on a date night. Totally essential.
4. A good denim jacket
Denim goes with everything....blue is the new black. It looks great with brown, black, white, red, blue, you name it... So what a great staple to have when you are feeling a little self conscious about your arms in a dress or when it is still warm enough to wear a skirt and a tank top but might be a little chilly later. I actually usually keep my denim jacket in the car because I wear it so much and it goes with so much. I got mine at Gap and it has great copper buttons which I think adds even more to it's ability to match everything. J. Crew also has great ones and (I dare to say this because I certainly don't ever shop there) Abercrombie has nice ones too.
5. A turquoise necklace
Turquoise also goes with everything. I really can't think of a color shirt I wouldn't wear a turquoise necklace with. You can pair it with gold or silver jewelry and it still looks great and there is such a giant variety of sizes of necklace/beads you can get the size that suits you. I personally have 4 (that I can think of off the top of my head) and wear them all the time.
6. A pair of cowboy boots

Now you might be thinking to yourself "Yeah, if you live in Texas maybe" which I do. But cowboy boots are the greatest shoe ever. You can wear them in the rain to splash in puddles, you can wear them in the yard while you are mowing, you can wear them with a long skirt and a denim jacket, you can wear them under jeans for a subdued western look, you can wear them with skinny jeans to scream Texas cute, you can wear them with a casual dress to go shopping (rather than killing yourself in wedges while you walk around), you can wear them with denim shorts if you wanna channel your inner Jessica Simpson....you know, back before she got prego, when she was skinny and not eating every hoho and Little Debbie snack cake in a 5 mile radius of her (I didn't know they even sold those things in LA). The point is, they are very versatile and they come in many price ranges and styles. I personally have a pair of Lucheses in cognac with a pink shaft and a pair of distressed Justins in brown and I love them both.
7. A good white tank top
By good, I don't mean expensive. I wear a white tank top A LOT in the summer time and I wear one under lots of stuff in the winter so I go through alot of them because you don't want to have a dingy one. So I get mine at Target, the long and lean style in the juniors section and I wait until they are on sale for $6 and get two or three at a time. A crisp white tank is such a simple go to outfit and will match anything on the bottom plus always looks very polished. And again, if you are self conscious about just wearing a tank or about your arms, you can throw on your denim jacket!
8. Gold Flip Flops
I cannot live without gold flip flops. I wear them probably 200 days out of the year if not more. I go through 2 or 3 pairs a year because I wear them so much. My fave are the J. Crew gold capris. I love them because they look very polished and they go with everything. I used to never wear white pants or skirts because I hate white shoes and I didn't know what I could possibly wear on the bottom to match until I discovered gold. And don't get too wrapped up in mixing silver and gold because no one is analyzing your outfit that closely. They are a great go to shoe when you just aren't sure what else is going to match something and they are comfy so they can be worn in many different ways.
9. A pearl necklace
Again, this does not need to be a real necklace or anything super expensive. A pearl necklace goes great with all colors and is very classic. It is acceptable to wear to just about any occasion and will never go out of style. It can be paired with silver or gold earrings (or your diamond studs from earlier, haha). I got one to wear to my wedding at Stein Mart and have been amazed with how much I actually wear it. I thought about getting a real one for our wedding but thought it would be a waste. It's a very Audrey thing to do, and something you won't regret owning.
10. A Juicy Suit (or something similar

I love Juicy. I figure if I am going to slum it in sweats at least people know I bought fancy sweats. Plus I always feel so Hollywood when I roll out of bed, pull on a Juicy suit, put on big sunglasses and walk out the door. But, the only difference between a Juicy suit and a Target velour suit is the little silver J pull on the hoodie. So if you aren't a slave to fashion like me then don;t waste your money, go to Target or Old Navy and get yourself one in a basic color like black or brown. It's a great thing to have when you are sick and have to run to the pharmacy but don't want to scare the pharmacist away or woke up late and have to take your kid to mother's day out. Do keep in mind unlike normal sweats where the bigger the better (and more comfy) you do want them to be a bit more tailored so get some that fit you well and are flattering. You don't want to look like you are wearing a spandex suit or anything but you want it to be cute and form fitting.
So that's it. Pretty basic stuff and all things that are available in all different price ranges, except the jeans. Everyone enjoy the rainy day and go buy yourself some rain boots....I am hoping mine are under the Christmas tree as we speak :)