Hello long lost friends! I promise I have some fun stuff coming soon but
I wanted to post this free printable really quick while I was thinking
about it. I am planning to stick this in a frame with a cream mat to put
in my craft space! LOVE it! I will be back soon!
Saturday, July 14, 2012
Printable: Keep Calm & Stay Classy
Austin, TX, USA
Friday, May 25, 2012
Memorial Day Deals
I get an insane amount of email every day and I like to browse for outfit inspiration frequently so I find lots of great deals online and in stores. So that being said, I have decided to start posting good deal finds. They will usually probably just include a quick note from my phone or whatever but I will try to include pics when I can. So here are a few current deals I am aware of at the moment.
J. Crew Factory Store has 40% off all shorts and lots of other stuff on sale. They also have an additional 30% off all sale stuff on the website with code LOVEIT. You can also get an additional 20% off on a $125 purchase in store through June 23rd but I will have to forward you the email for that deal so just comment on this post with your email addy and I will send it over.
Ann Taylor Loft in stores and online has shorts on sale for $25 and an extra 50% off all sale stuff in stores and online.
American Eagle has 40% off in stores and online through May 28th with the code 54018251 and they have free shipping online too.
Lastly, Old Navy is having a COLOSSAL sale! All of their tank tops are on sale for anywhere from $2 to $6 in the store. I grabbed a few plain white and black tanks yesterday off the $2 table. They have a ton of them but I am sure they will go quick. They have tons of stuff marked down all over the store and lots of cute new stuff in so go take a look! Also, you can get an additonal 10% off coupon if you "like" them on Facebook and click on the reveal a deal box to print.
Thanks for visiting, more to come soon!!
J. Crew Factory Store has 40% off all shorts and lots of other stuff on sale. They also have an additional 30% off all sale stuff on the website with code LOVEIT. You can also get an additional 20% off on a $125 purchase in store through June 23rd but I will have to forward you the email for that deal so just comment on this post with your email addy and I will send it over.
Ann Taylor Loft in stores and online has shorts on sale for $25 and an extra 50% off all sale stuff in stores and online.
American Eagle has 40% off in stores and online through May 28th with the code 54018251 and they have free shipping online too.
Lastly, Old Navy is having a COLOSSAL sale! All of their tank tops are on sale for anywhere from $2 to $6 in the store. I grabbed a few plain white and black tanks yesterday off the $2 table. They have a ton of them but I am sure they will go quick. They have tons of stuff marked down all over the store and lots of cute new stuff in so go take a look! Also, you can get an additonal 10% off coupon if you "like" them on Facebook and click on the reveal a deal box to print.
Thanks for visiting, more to come soon!!
Happy Mother's Day & Check Out My Awesome Loot!
Hello world! I am just going to stop opening my blogs with apologies for not posting sooner and tell you I am working on being a better poster. My family knocked it out of the park for Mother's Day and got me some ahhhmazing gifts. I am so blessed to be so loved and felt inspired to do a one shirt and necklace/three ways post. I may or may not have big time hinted that I wanted this shirt from Ann Taylor. I had a really awesome coupon that was soon to expire so I gave it to Mr. Goat and told him the urgency of saving lots of money IF he wanted to maybe get me this shirt. Buy here
I cannot express to you how much more awesome this shirt is in person. It is so lightweight and comfy but so sexy and polished at the same time. I have so many clothes that I have started to only buy/ask for things that I know I will have for a long time, I really love and that can be worn many ways and for different seasons {ha, not that we even have seasons in Texas}.
I first saw this necklace on Real Housewives of the OC when Alexis' hubby gave her the $5k diamond version with all three kids initials. I then saw lots of versions floating around Pinterest and have been obsessed ever since. I wear a lot of statement necklaces and I love the idea of wearing them along with this layered. It is so delicate and sweet. I am in love. I was on the fence about the different sizes available. Most of the outfit posts I have seen have the extra large version but it is pretty pricey and it is almost 2" big which I was afraid would be too big to layer. I liked the idea of the medium because it was kind of in between. It is still 1" big so it's not like it is super small. You can get many variations of this at all different price points but I liked the Max & Chloe version. Buy here. So here are a few new outfits, hope ya'll had someone spoil you for Mother's day {or pet mommy's day} too!!
Love this with shorts and wedges because even though the shirt is a very nice and probably more work appropriate shirt, you can dress it down to still be able to wear in every day life. Although a bit dressy, this would be casual enough to wear to happy hour or out to lunch with girlfriends. I would wear the shirt untucked with a white tank underneath.
This is def a more work appropriate outfit but I think I could get away with it for church or maybe a dinner date. This outfit is pretty much what solidified my obsession with this shirt. Ann Taylor had a very similar version of this in their window paired with a pair of white pants with a wide white tie belt and it looked so hot {like spicy hot} for summer work attire. To be honest it made me miss working just for the clothes! Haha! I love white pants in the summer time, especially to break up the monotony of shorts which are about all you can wear in Texas in summer. White pants repel the heat and stay cool (given they aren't lined, ughhh!) ANNNNND they go with everything! The only downside is having baby Goat and white pants do not mix.
Did I mention my child is freaking huge and I might have to change his name to Giant Baby Child Goat. It is boggling my mind and making me very sad. Where did little 8 lb. Goat go and who is this kid who answers questions, tells me "no", and gives me attitude?! Time to have another one I suppose. Hehe!
Anyway, there are a few uses of my mother's day loot! I sure cleaned up! What about you? What was on your wish list? Did you get anything super fab that you weren't expecting?
Source: anntaylor.com via Callie on Pinterest
I cannot express to you how much more awesome this shirt is in person. It is so lightweight and comfy but so sexy and polished at the same time. I have so many clothes that I have started to only buy/ask for things that I know I will have for a long time, I really love and that can be worn many ways and for different seasons {ha, not that we even have seasons in Texas}.
Source: maxandchloe.com via Callie on Pinterest
I first saw this necklace on Real Housewives of the OC when Alexis' hubby gave her the $5k diamond version with all three kids initials. I then saw lots of versions floating around Pinterest and have been obsessed ever since. I wear a lot of statement necklaces and I love the idea of wearing them along with this layered. It is so delicate and sweet. I am in love. I was on the fence about the different sizes available. Most of the outfit posts I have seen have the extra large version but it is pretty pricey and it is almost 2" big which I was afraid would be too big to layer. I liked the idea of the medium because it was kind of in between. It is still 1" big so it's not like it is super small. You can get many variations of this at all different price points but I liked the Max & Chloe version. Buy here. So here are a few new outfits, hope ya'll had someone spoil you for Mother's day {or pet mommy's day} too!!
Love this with shorts and wedges because even though the shirt is a very nice and probably more work appropriate shirt, you can dress it down to still be able to wear in every day life. Although a bit dressy, this would be casual enough to wear to happy hour or out to lunch with girlfriends. I would wear the shirt untucked with a white tank underneath.
{At the request of my good friend} I am going to do a whole separate white skinny jeans post but I wanted to throw this outfit on here. If the Texas weather allows it, this is casual enough to wear during the day but would work for a dinner date although I would probably add heels in that case. I got a pair of white skinny jeans on clearance at TJ Maxx because I am still not totally sold on the idea of skinny jeans without boots over them. Let's be honest, I was such a hater of skinny jeans for so long that I feel a bit like a hypocrite wearing them but I am starting to come around. Oh and again, I would wear the shirt untucked with a tank under it.
This is def a more work appropriate outfit but I think I could get away with it for church or maybe a dinner date. This outfit is pretty much what solidified my obsession with this shirt. Ann Taylor had a very similar version of this in their window paired with a pair of white pants with a wide white tie belt and it looked so hot {like spicy hot} for summer work attire. To be honest it made me miss working just for the clothes! Haha! I love white pants in the summer time, especially to break up the monotony of shorts which are about all you can wear in Texas in summer. White pants repel the heat and stay cool (given they aren't lined, ughhh!) ANNNNND they go with everything! The only downside is having baby Goat and white pants do not mix.
Did I mention my child is freaking huge and I might have to change his name to Giant Baby Child Goat. It is boggling my mind and making me very sad. Where did little 8 lb. Goat go and who is this kid who answers questions, tells me "no", and gives me attitude?! Time to have another one I suppose. Hehe!
Anyway, there are a few uses of my mother's day loot! I sure cleaned up! What about you? What was on your wish list? Did you get anything super fab that you weren't expecting?
Ann Taylor,
I want,
outfit ideas,
Friday, March 9, 2012
Saturday, March 3, 2012
Hi my name is Callie and I am a Pinaholic...
I am bordering needing a 12 step program. I love it!!! If you live under a rock and don't know what pinterest is, it is an online place to keep track of anything and everything you could possibly want. So basically, you know when you see something you really like and want to remember on the internet. Well, before the amazingness that is pinterest, you had to right click and save the pic somewhere on your computer, hoping you would be able to relocate said picture at a later date. And then you had no record of where it came from so if you wanted to reference the site for something you had to try to refind it and good luck with that. Or you could save a bookmark but then half the time the picture would move or your bookmarks would be so out of control you had no idea what you marked or why....
Well pinterest ended all of that. It basically freezes the pic in time so even if the item you want to buy sells out or the picture gets deleted from someone's blog, you can still see it on your pinterest boards. And you can see everyone else's pins too so when you don't feel like being original and looking around the internet for new craft ideas or outfit ideas or home inspirations, you can just look at other people's. It's amazing! Thank God this wasn't around when I was getting married because I would have never done anything else but sat on Pinterest looking for ideas!! Anywho, you have to be invited to be part of it so if anyone would like an invite please let me know. Then we can attend pinaholics anonymous together! Here's a little something to prove my love and devotion!
Well pinterest ended all of that. It basically freezes the pic in time so even if the item you want to buy sells out or the picture gets deleted from someone's blog, you can still see it on your pinterest boards. And you can see everyone else's pins too so when you don't feel like being original and looking around the internet for new craft ideas or outfit ideas or home inspirations, you can just look at other people's. It's amazing! Thank God this wasn't around when I was getting married because I would have never done anything else but sat on Pinterest looking for ideas!! Anywho, you have to be invited to be part of it so if anyone would like an invite please let me know. Then we can attend pinaholics anonymous together! Here's a little something to prove my love and devotion!
outfit ideas,
Printables: Easter
Hey friends! I know, I just posted St. Pat's printables but I was a busy bee this morning and went ahead and did some Easter printables as well. Enjoy!!

Printables: St. Patrick's Day
I am kind of a holiday freak and have been trying to create a holiday wonderland for every holiday under the sun. However, I kind of burnt myself out with Halloween, Thanksgiving and Christmas being so close together. So, I was a little late decorating for Valentine's this year and I am thinking about skipping St. Patty's all together. We will see....
Anywho, regardless of my decorating laziness, here are a few printables for you to use and share for St. Patty's day, one for the family friendly and one for the college frat house, haha! Enjoy!

Anywho, regardless of my decorating laziness, here are a few printables for you to use and share for St. Patty's day, one for the family friendly and one for the college frat house, haha! Enjoy!
Thursday, March 1, 2012
David Gray - Baby You're The World To Me
I have decided I am just going to start auto posting my outfit ideas from Polyvore directly to my blog. So when you see random outfit posts that's why. I saw this pic of Kristin Cavallari the other day and I just love it. Def a little young but perfect for summer casual wear. Went and looked at the tank top at Forever 21 and it is perfect for the outfit! Enjoy!
Tuesday, February 28, 2012
Happy New Year and all that junk, and a few outfit posts!! - Part 1
Hello friends!!
GEEZ, is it seriously {almost} March and did I seriously just drop off the face of the earth for three months?? I am so mad at myself, I was doing so good at blogging. BUT, I got busy around Christmas time with life {nothing in particular} and my laptop charger crapped out so I can only charge my laptop when hubby is home. I like to blog during nap time so it is uninterupted, relaxing time for Mommy but my laptop is kind of old and doesnt hold much of a charge. I keep intending to sit down at night after baby goat goes to bed but....well, that's enough with excuses. I am hitting the blog world hard again and have SO many great DIY ideas and outfit ideas. So to ease back in, I am going to do a list of a few recent purchases that I am loving, reviews on each and maybe even a polyvore outfit or 2!
American Eagle Maxi Dress - $44.50
So I have a problem....well, I have alot of problems but here is one....I CANNOT RESIST a black maxi dress. I freaking hope these things never go out of style because I REFUSE to stop wearing them. And I am going to say the following at the risk of sounding crazy, I think I made the maxi dress popular. HAHA! Not really, but I def was one of the early sporters of this look. Oh yes, like many trend setters I did get laughed at (I recall my at the time soon to be sis in law asking if I was wearing my wedding dress when I sported a floor length kimono style white maxi to one of my showers) but I didn't care. So I probably have a good 15 or so of these, and I would say at least 5 of them are black. I just LOVE them. What is easier than throwing one on, putting on some gold flip flops and tossing on pretty much any jewelry I own and heading out the door? Anything goes, you can wear it in any season (at least in Texas anyway) and they flatter all body types. So that being said, this is the newest black maxi dress in my closet. It fits well, the straps actually form a tie in the back so you can adjust it with the tie. It's a little long but that's good for me because I want to be able to wear it with wedges. It is made of a cotton fabric rather than jersey which is nice because it looks a little nicer. However, I did notice something funny, this being my first non jersey maxi dress. I take really long steps and since this fabric doesn't give at all sometimes it feels funny because both legs catch the full length of the skirt and I feel constricted....but I do have a 33 inch inseam which is def not the norm so I would venture to say no other person in this world that owns this dress will probably have this problem. So buy it, quickly. Oh and I ordered it online and got free shipping and 20% off for downloading the American Eagle app on my phone. Pretty awesome!
American Eagle Midi Shorts - $36.50
I like to call these my mom shorts. They really aren't that long but I love short shorts. That being said, being a mom now and recently fitting into all of my college clothes again (which have been hopefully stored away for 6+ years) I had to re-asses the appropriateness of some of those clothing. I will probably still rock my cut offs occasionally but I wanted something without holes and with an inseam longer than 2 1/2", haha! So these fit the bill. I really wanted the Madewell Midi Shorts but I was not willing to spend $60 on jean shorts, that's just dumb. So these are a great alternative. They were a little tight on the legs initially but after about 20 minutes of wearing them, I kind of wished I had gone down a size. So I love them but if you are debating between two sizes buy the smaller size. Again, I got these at American Eagle with free shipping and 20% off. Not a bad deal! Here are some outfit inspirations. Please excuse the retarded spacing, who am I to fight with blogger when it wants to put weird blank spots everywhere....

American Eagle Crochet Shirt - $39.50
Alright now let me just tell ya'll, I don't exclusively shop at American Eagle. In fact, I have probably only been in there like 4 times in the past five years. BUT it has become my hail mary store. When I really want something cute to wear out at the last minute and I have looked at all of my staple stores with no luck, some how American Eagle ALWAYS comes through. Case in point, our stock the bar party when we were getting married, 20 minutes before we were supposed to be picked up I found this super awesome black bubble hem tank with sequins all around the collar; last summer the day before we were supposed to go on a big couples date to Max's Wine Dive, Mr. Goat handed me $50 and said "go find something to wear tomorrow night, just because" and after walking around La Cantera forever (and little Goat being very cranky and mad) I stepped into AE, saw, tried on and bought a presh white eyelet dress. There are more, I will spare you. Anyway, I went in the other day to exchange my midi shorts that I ordered online because I wanted to try on another style and I saw this. It was instant attraction. I wanted to buy it a glass of wine {if I wasn't so scared of spilling some on it's beautiful whiteness} attraction. I am a sucker for white and crochet or eyelet detail, put them together and I don't stand a chance. Anywho, I went back later (with my still good 20% off coupon) and tried it on. It does run small, I usually wear a medium but chose to buy a large because the medium was really short and not quite as billowy as I had imagined. Def have to wear a stark white tank under it, but super cute and perfect for summer and fall. Outfits...
Old Navy Belted Tie Waist Navy Dress - $32.94
I actually bought this to wear for two occasions. I planned to wear it for Valentine's Day dinner and to wear for Mr. Goat's best friend's bday dinner. We haven't been back to San Antonio much since we moved to Austin (or at least I haven't, Mr. Goat has to go back pretty much every week for work, no fun for him) and I have lost quite a bit more weight since we moved so I was kind of excited to see lots of old friends and wanted to wear something super cute. I hadn't planned to buy anything as I have a million cute things in my closet that have only been worn once or maybe not even at all but I saw this while I was checking the kiddos clearance rack for little Goat clothes. It looked so expensive and out of place being on the rack at Old Navy. It doesn't look nearly as awesome online and I was shocked by the terrible reviews it got. I love it, it looks great with lots of color accents {I am a huge navy fan because of it's versatility} and it fits great! It does run big, I usually wear a medium and bought a small and it is a little short {which I don't mind} but I love it and look forward to wearing it again. And It has this great little snap so you can button it to avoid the twin showing. I used some hollywood tape just to keep everything in place so I didn't need the little button but it is a nice feature so you don't have to use a safety pin and try to hide it. We didn't end up going out for Vday and I couldn't justify wearing it to lounge on the couch with Mr. Goat and Mrs. Alva {my great friend who was single on Vday and came over to have wine with us} but I did get to wear it for our San Antonio night out! Oh and I used a 20% off coupon I found on the Old Navy facebook page. Here's an outfit**
Oh and obviously I do not own a pair of nude Christian Louboutin peep toes. However, if you would like to know how to make your own pair of knockoffs, see my tutorial here.
post continued.....
GEEZ, is it seriously {almost} March and did I seriously just drop off the face of the earth for three months?? I am so mad at myself, I was doing so good at blogging. BUT, I got busy around Christmas time with life {nothing in particular} and my laptop charger crapped out so I can only charge my laptop when hubby is home. I like to blog during nap time so it is uninterupted, relaxing time for Mommy but my laptop is kind of old and doesnt hold much of a charge. I keep intending to sit down at night after baby goat goes to bed but....well, that's enough with excuses. I am hitting the blog world hard again and have SO many great DIY ideas and outfit ideas. So to ease back in, I am going to do a list of a few recent purchases that I am loving, reviews on each and maybe even a polyvore outfit or 2!
American Eagle Maxi Dress - $44.50
So I have a problem....well, I have alot of problems but here is one....I CANNOT RESIST a black maxi dress. I freaking hope these things never go out of style because I REFUSE to stop wearing them. And I am going to say the following at the risk of sounding crazy, I think I made the maxi dress popular. HAHA! Not really, but I def was one of the early sporters of this look. Oh yes, like many trend setters I did get laughed at (I recall my at the time soon to be sis in law asking if I was wearing my wedding dress when I sported a floor length kimono style white maxi to one of my showers) but I didn't care. So I probably have a good 15 or so of these, and I would say at least 5 of them are black. I just LOVE them. What is easier than throwing one on, putting on some gold flip flops and tossing on pretty much any jewelry I own and heading out the door? Anything goes, you can wear it in any season (at least in Texas anyway) and they flatter all body types. So that being said, this is the newest black maxi dress in my closet. It fits well, the straps actually form a tie in the back so you can adjust it with the tie. It's a little long but that's good for me because I want to be able to wear it with wedges. It is made of a cotton fabric rather than jersey which is nice because it looks a little nicer. However, I did notice something funny, this being my first non jersey maxi dress. I take really long steps and since this fabric doesn't give at all sometimes it feels funny because both legs catch the full length of the skirt and I feel constricted....but I do have a 33 inch inseam which is def not the norm so I would venture to say no other person in this world that owns this dress will probably have this problem. So buy it, quickly. Oh and I ordered it online and got free shipping and 20% off for downloading the American Eagle app on my phone. Pretty awesome!
American Eagle Midi Shorts - $36.50
I like to call these my mom shorts. They really aren't that long but I love short shorts. That being said, being a mom now and recently fitting into all of my college clothes again (which have been hopefully stored away for 6+ years) I had to re-asses the appropriateness of some of those clothing. I will probably still rock my cut offs occasionally but I wanted something without holes and with an inseam longer than 2 1/2", haha! So these fit the bill. I really wanted the Madewell Midi Shorts but I was not willing to spend $60 on jean shorts, that's just dumb. So these are a great alternative. They were a little tight on the legs initially but after about 20 minutes of wearing them, I kind of wished I had gone down a size. So I love them but if you are debating between two sizes buy the smaller size. Again, I got these at American Eagle with free shipping and 20% off. Not a bad deal! Here are some outfit inspirations. Please excuse the retarded spacing, who am I to fight with blogger when it wants to put weird blank spots everywhere....
American Eagle Crochet Shirt - $39.50
Alright now let me just tell ya'll, I don't exclusively shop at American Eagle. In fact, I have probably only been in there like 4 times in the past five years. BUT it has become my hail mary store. When I really want something cute to wear out at the last minute and I have looked at all of my staple stores with no luck, some how American Eagle ALWAYS comes through. Case in point, our stock the bar party when we were getting married, 20 minutes before we were supposed to be picked up I found this super awesome black bubble hem tank with sequins all around the collar; last summer the day before we were supposed to go on a big couples date to Max's Wine Dive, Mr. Goat handed me $50 and said "go find something to wear tomorrow night, just because" and after walking around La Cantera forever (and little Goat being very cranky and mad) I stepped into AE, saw, tried on and bought a presh white eyelet dress. There are more, I will spare you. Anyway, I went in the other day to exchange my midi shorts that I ordered online because I wanted to try on another style and I saw this. It was instant attraction. I wanted to buy it a glass of wine {if I wasn't so scared of spilling some on it's beautiful whiteness} attraction. I am a sucker for white and crochet or eyelet detail, put them together and I don't stand a chance. Anywho, I went back later (with my still good 20% off coupon) and tried it on. It does run small, I usually wear a medium but chose to buy a large because the medium was really short and not quite as billowy as I had imagined. Def have to wear a stark white tank under it, but super cute and perfect for summer and fall. Outfits...
Old Navy Belted Tie Waist Navy Dress - $32.94
I actually bought this to wear for two occasions. I planned to wear it for Valentine's Day dinner and to wear for Mr. Goat's best friend's bday dinner. We haven't been back to San Antonio much since we moved to Austin (or at least I haven't, Mr. Goat has to go back pretty much every week for work, no fun for him) and I have lost quite a bit more weight since we moved so I was kind of excited to see lots of old friends and wanted to wear something super cute. I hadn't planned to buy anything as I have a million cute things in my closet that have only been worn once or maybe not even at all but I saw this while I was checking the kiddos clearance rack for little Goat clothes. It looked so expensive and out of place being on the rack at Old Navy. It doesn't look nearly as awesome online and I was shocked by the terrible reviews it got. I love it, it looks great with lots of color accents {I am a huge navy fan because of it's versatility} and it fits great! It does run big, I usually wear a medium and bought a small and it is a little short {which I don't mind} but I love it and look forward to wearing it again. And It has this great little snap so you can button it to avoid the twin showing. I used some hollywood tape just to keep everything in place so I didn't need the little button but it is a nice feature so you don't have to use a safety pin and try to hide it. We didn't end up going out for Vday and I couldn't justify wearing it to lounge on the couch with Mr. Goat and Mrs. Alva {my great friend who was single on Vday and came over to have wine with us} but I did get to wear it for our San Antonio night out! Oh and I used a 20% off coupon I found on the Old Navy facebook page. Here's an outfit**
Oh and obviously I do not own a pair of nude Christian Louboutin peep toes. However, if you would like to know how to make your own pair of knockoffs, see my tutorial here.
post continued.....
Happy New Year and all that junk, and a few outfit posts!! - Part 2
Old Navy Tie-Hem Drape Shirt - $29.94
I never would have thought in a million years I would buy a shirt that encouraged the bringing back of the tied shirt from the early 90s. Don't get me wrong, if a shirt had ANY extra fabric when I was a kid, I probably tied it or used one of these thingy-ma-bobs!
Oh yeah, you know what I am talking about! BUT, I have to resist that urge even still to tie shirts and so I have avoided the slight bringing backs of the trend. However, something about this shirt jumped out at me and it was such a great, lightweight fabric that I was immediately picturing walking around Town Lake hand in hand with Mr. Goat, rocking a fedora and looking so casually cool and effortlessly put together. So I had to try it on, and....I FUHREAKING loved it! It fits perfectly and is so sexy but still conservative. I can;t say enough about it. AND the two times I have worn it, I got 6 compliments!! That's a good day in my book! I bought my normal size medium and it was on sale, plus I used the 20% off coupon for this too. They have other colors but I stuck with the tried and true cream. Here are some outfits...
The last outfit is the same one I posted earlier with the midi shorts, but I used the shirt so I wanted to make sure to repost.
So that's quite a jump back in post, but I hope you enjoyed it! I got some GREAT stuff for Christmas and want to do a three part post with the three main things I got and what I have been doing with them. I hope everyone had a great Christmas, New Years, Valentine's Day, MLK, President's Day, Chinese New Year, Mardi Gras, Festivus, HAHA!!! {You Seinfeld watchers get it} Here's to many more posts this year!! Thanks for reading!
I never would have thought in a million years I would buy a shirt that encouraged the bringing back of the tied shirt from the early 90s. Don't get me wrong, if a shirt had ANY extra fabric when I was a kid, I probably tied it or used one of these thingy-ma-bobs!
Oh yeah, you know what I am talking about! BUT, I have to resist that urge even still to tie shirts and so I have avoided the slight bringing backs of the trend. However, something about this shirt jumped out at me and it was such a great, lightweight fabric that I was immediately picturing walking around Town Lake hand in hand with Mr. Goat, rocking a fedora and looking so casually cool and effortlessly put together. So I had to try it on, and....I FUHREAKING loved it! It fits perfectly and is so sexy but still conservative. I can;t say enough about it. AND the two times I have worn it, I got 6 compliments!! That's a good day in my book! I bought my normal size medium and it was on sale, plus I used the 20% off coupon for this too. They have other colors but I stuck with the tried and true cream. Here are some outfits...
The last outfit is the same one I posted earlier with the midi shorts, but I used the shirt so I wanted to make sure to repost.
So that's quite a jump back in post, but I hope you enjoyed it! I got some GREAT stuff for Christmas and want to do a three part post with the three main things I got and what I have been doing with them. I hope everyone had a great Christmas, New Years, Valentine's Day, MLK, President's Day, Chinese New Year, Mardi Gras, Festivus, HAHA!!! {You Seinfeld watchers get it} Here's to many more posts this year!! Thanks for reading!
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